NISD Organized a dive trip to the Ramkine Island in North Lebanon coast where members of the club enjoyed a full day diving the marvellous reefs and large cave and came back with this amazing video.
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Check out our new Summer Schedule. We are diving everyday. For groups of divers, you can call us to schedule a dive at your convenience.
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A new article about Marine Life in Lebanon with Videos recording the divers' encounters...
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NISD conducted the International Dive Sites Cleanup Day on Sunday 14 October 2018 where volunteer divers retrieved tons of trash from underwater.
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HMS VICTORIA, Admiral Tryon's Blunder. By Vic Verlinden. The only shipwreck worldwide positioned vertically on the seabed...
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"Scuba Diving In Lebanon" by Paula Fancini-Hooper...
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Le Naufrage du Champollion le 22 décembre 1952. Récit du drame par Georges BLOND... (French)
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Tales and dives in Lebanon: a detailed presentation updated periodically about Diving and dive sites in Lebanon...
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Breaking new ground in Beirut, a trip to dive the "Souffleur" a Vichy ‘Requin’ class submarine and the ‘Alice B’, a cargo ship with a rather colourful past!.
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Interesting Hand Written article about the memories of a submariner in Lebanon during the second world war... (French)
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Last Updated April 29, 2023